NATCA Bookshelf

2023 NATCA Constitution

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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S T A N D I N G R U L E S 20 penalty to be imposed, up to and including expulsion from the union and referral to the Department of Labor for possible criminal prosecution. Any action by the Convention to discipline a member under this provision is subject to the requirements of the Labor Management Reporting Disclosure Act (LMRDA). SRF-14 NATCA Education Reimbursement Fund (2/98, 4/00, 9/02, 12/21) An education reimbursement fund, not to exceed $50,000 per year, is established for the purpose of assisting active members in good standing to obtain a Bachelor of Labor Studies degree or any other educational course or certificate as deemed appropriate and approved by the National Executive Board from any NATCA-approved institution or program. Upon completion of the course or program, members may apply for a portion of the fund, not to exceed $5,000 per calendar year. This program shall be implemented under rules and regulations as established by the National Executive Board and may be modified or canceled at any time without prior notice. Members who terminate active membership in good standing within two years after receiving reimbursement from the Educational Reimbursement Fund must repay said reimbursement to the Union. SRF-15 Contingency Fund Usage (3/99) All transfers from the Contingency Fund must be approved by the National Executive Board. SRF-16 Contributions to Union Treasury (6/90, 9/08) Any member who desires to do so may, in a completely voluntary manner, be permitted to contribute to the treasury of this union for the purposes we as an organization have dedicated ourselves. These contributions may be applied to any budgeted entity and there shall be no expectation of repayment expressed or implied. Such contributions by the member shall be received by the union and accepted as statements of support for the organization. SRF-17 Training or Meeting Cancellation Costs (1/93, 4/06, 6/23) Any expenses incurred as a result of an individual's cancellation/no-show at a NATCA training course or meeting that they are scheduled to attend on behalf of their local (except for legitimate circumstances, as determined by the National Executive Board) will be borne by the respective local. SRF-18 Repayment of NATCA Training/Meeting/Function Costs (9/08) Any NATCA member who accepts or voluntarily commences a temporary or permanent non-bargaining unit position with the Federal Aviation Administration (i.e., an FAA supervisory or managerial position) within twelve (12) months of attending any NATCA-sponsored national or regional training session, meeting, or other function for which the costs of the member's attendance were paid and/or reimbursed by NATCA shall repay the full amount, as determined by NATCA, of all travel and other expenditures directly attributable to that member's attendance at the NATCA-sponsored event. The twelve-month period shall commence as of the first day of the NATCA-sponsored training session, meeting, or other function. The obligation for repayment shall accrue as of the date of the member's acceptance or commencement, whichever occurs first, of a temporary or permanent non-bargaining unit position with FAA. Members shall have sixty (60) days from the date on which the National Office sends notice, via overnight delivery service or certified mail, to the member's home address (as maintained in the NATCA membership database) of the specific amount(s) due as repayment to NATCA. Members who fail to repay NATCA in accord with the provisions of this policy shall be referred to the NATCA General Counsel for any and all appropriate legal actions necessary by the organization to recover the amounts due and all other appropriate relief, including, where applicable, the recovery of related attorney fees and legal costs. By incurring expenses paid for and/or reimbursed by NATCA at any activity covered by this policy, NATCA members acknowledge and agree to comply with the provisions of this policy. SRF-19 Charitable Contributions (9/91) All charitable contributions from NATCA National must be approved in advance by the National Executive Board. SRF-20 Expense Voucher Timelines (4/06, 3/12, 12/21) Vouchers for expenses should be submitted as soon as possible after the expense is incurred. Requests for reimbursement submitted more than 180 days after the date of the expense, or 360 days for local internet reimbursement, are considered untimely expenses of the Association and will not be processed for payment. However, there may be occasions when

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