A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/600489
TEMPORARY OPERATIONAL CONTINGENCY OFFICE (TOCO): Tammy Norman (ZTL) is the TOCO Article 48 Representative. T his is a one - year detail at the Eastern Service Center to work on this project. Ms. Norman's report for this week is below. · One - Year Anniversary of the ATO's Report on 30 - Day Assessment of Operational Contingency Plans: o 11/17/2014: The FAA Admi nistrator called for review of all FAA operational contingency plans fo llowing the ZAU ATC Zero event. Additionally, he established requirements to improve air traffic control service delive ry during irregular operations. The TOCO was created to manage thi s plan, and in no longer than one year, devise procedures to recover more efficiently from an ATC Zero event while maintaining safety. o On November 17, 2015, the TOCO will report to the ATO the accomplished tasks and ongoing activities to meet the require ments of the Administrator. · 1900.47E: The Air Traffic Control Operational Contingency: In an effort to f acilitate the implementation of JO 1900.47E, AJT is requesting a meeting to define the SMS required at the facility level. This meeting will occ ur November 12 th . · Audit by the AIG to begin this month : o FAA's Ability to Manage Air Traffic Control System Disruptions: In August 2015 the Chairmen of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its Subcommittee on Aviation raise d concerns about the causes of recent disruptions and whether FAA possesses the ability to manage air traffic control crises that may arise within the National Airspace System ." Accordingly, our objectives are to (1) assess the effectiveness of FAA's opera tion disruptions, and (2) assess FAA procedures for updating operational contingency plans in light of recent events.al contingency plans and the actions taken to mitigate the impact of recent air traffic control system." · Technical Requirements Spr eadsheet : This is the final spreadsheet that the TOCO will use to consolidate all the data received from the individual spreadsheets that each ARTCC is presently working to complete. We will be able to create the Technical Requirements P ackage from the dat a collected. This must be completed before the one - year date set in the 30 - day Assessment requirements: November 17th. While new OCPs are being developed with existing infrastructure, the NVS Program Office will fast - track development of several NextGen ca pabilities that will leverage infrastructure and enhance the resiliency with additional solutions, operational and support capabilities. TERMINAL AUTOMATION MODERNIZATION REPLACEMENT (TAMR): Mitch Herrick (MIA) is NATCA's Article 48 Representative for TA MR. Mr. Herrick and leads of TAMR Segments have provided the reports below. · TAMR Article 48 and Section 804 o Mr. Herrick was in Washington , D . C . this week and spent a good deal of time with the Segment 2 deployment team reviewing lessons learned and establishing a plan for the extremely busy year ahead. Also met