too. At the end of the month , winners will be chosen fr om each region. Click on t his link
to see the flyer for contest rules and details!
NATCA Facebook Page: We're within sniffing distance of 11,000 followers! If
you're not already part of the NATCA Family on Facebook
( m/NATCAFamily ) we invite you to visit the page and "like" it. It's one of the
best ways to stay in touch with news and information and also have some fun while
enjoying the comments of your fellow brothers and sisters.
NATCA Twitter Feed : We have surpass ed 6,100 followers and would love to
have you join us! Follow us on Twitter .
Communicating for Safety (CFS): Do n ' t miss the chance to attend NATCA CFS,
the aviation industry ' s leading conference, focusing on safety , technology and building
relationships. CFS will be held March 21 - 23, 2016 , at Bally's in Las Vegas. Registration
is now open. Follow CFS on Facebook , Twitter an d Instagram and use # NATCACFS
when posting.
CONVENTION 2016 – SAN DIEGO : New website now up and running! Click
here. Members attending the Convention next year in San Diego (Aug. 30 - Sept. 2) can
now make their re servations at the Hilton Bayfront, the official NATCA San Diego 2016
Convention hotel. Reference " NATCA " as the code when you call 1 - 800 - HILTONS. Or
use this weblink to book online .
MEDIA TRAINING : Last Thursday, Nov. 5, we held our second media training day of the
year and third training class ever . This session consisted of most of the NATCA National
E xecutive Board members and the Alternat e Regional Vice Presidents. We hosted the
training again at The National Press Club in Washington, D.C., giving participants the
chance to practice on - camera interviews in a real - life television news st udio, complete
with the bright lights and the nerve - inducing , glowing re d light atop the camera! But the
interview ees subjects all did well and learned a lot about how to best convey NATCA's
top m essages to the news media. The B oard le arned about managing the media and
how to control an interview .
(AGAIN): The Communi cations Department reminds all FacR eps and members that
November is one of four months throughout the year called "sweeps" in the television
news media business. May, July and February are also designated sweeps months.
During sweeps, a company called Nielsen measures the viewership of TV programming.
Those programs that have the most viewership can then charge more money for
adverti sing during commercial slots.
Aviation and ATC are among the many traditional topics that make for
sensationalized stories to draw viewer interest and thus boost a news program's or
show's ratings. Many stories, if not inaccurate, are misleading and inten tionally focused
on directly questioning public safety to get attention. We've already been made a ware of
sensationalized stories in the works, including one about runway and taxiway safety in
Chicago where the goal of the story will be to scare the public for ratings gain.
We can counter this coverage , where appropriate , with carefully crafted,
disciplined messaging. To that end, please remember that it is NATCA ' s media policy
that members must please refer all media who contact them to our Communications
Department; specifically, Sarah McCann (315 - 796 - 1560) and Doug Church (301 - 346 -
8245). If we decide to move forward with a statement or interview, we will then work
directly with the ap propriate representative.