A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/600489
Atlanta : The BBC is requesting FAA participation in the channel's new, landmark documentary series called 'City in the Sky', a celebration of the aviation industry, its incredible growth a nd remarkable future. Each of the three shows will tell half a dozen separate stories from around the world, each a superlative, and each offering a remarkable insight into the processes and people that keep the 'City in the Sky.' The BBC team pro ducing th is wants to feature ATL prominently. We are working with FAA Public Affairs ; the BBC will film and interview representatives at ATL and ZTL. We have agreed with FAA to have a labor representative interviewed at one facility and a management representative interviewed at the other as the channel does not have time to interview a representative from each party at both facilities. The BBC will interview NATCA ATL Facility Rep. Brian Kellman at ATL on Thurs., Nov. 19. The channel production team for this series will interview an FAA management representative at ZTL on Fri., Nov. 20. Charlotte: FAA Public Affairs is planning a media roundtable for Wed., Dec. 16 at Charlotte Tower, to discuss national and local NextGen initiatives. The FAA's goal is to educate the Charlotte media and the public about how NextGen is make flying safer, more efficient and greener at airports nationwide and at Charlotte - Douglas International Airport. They also want to demonstrate how NextGen benefits travelers at which is the sixth bus iest airport in the world. The FAA has invited NATCA to participate in the round table, along with representatives from American Airlines, NASA, PASS and Charlotte Airport. We will keep you informed about round table developments and share clips that are p ublished after the event. 2016 NATCA WALL CALENDAR UPDATE: We sent the 2016 NATCA wall calendar to the printer . Each facility will receive a shipment of calendars for their members. Look for your copy in early December. ATTENTION FACREPS: If you have not yet told us how many calendars you need and where to ship them, please use this easy and quick link . NEW WEBSITE UPDATE : We continue working on constructing a new natca.org website, complete with a new and improved members section and more ease of use with your mobile device. We are hopeful of launching before the holiday season. Stay tuned for complete details and features of the new site! STAYI N G UP TO DATE WITH INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUNDING AND FAA REAUTHORIZATION ISSUES : The critically important issues of government funding and Congressional actions and inactions , detailed above in the Government Affairs update, remain at the forefront . While the FAA authorization extension runs through March 2016, the CR funding the government will expire in early December. A shutdown threat could return. The Communications Department is continuing to engage in media activity where appropriate on these topics and inform our members of important news and up dates through a variety of ways . Here are ways you can keep up with news and information: Emails from National Office : I mportant updates from the National Office will be sent to each member via the email add ress we have on file for you in our membership database. If you have not received recent updates and need to either add or change the email address we have for you on filed, you can do so through the NATCA Portal he re . Daily Press Clippings : If you're not already receiving the daily clips via your email in box and would like to be added to our distribution list, email dchurch@natcadc.org . Archive of all press clips available here . We are including many shutdown - related clips in our recent editions of the daily press clippings package.