A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/740802
NATCA NATIONAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL WEEK IN REVIEW Octo ber 8 - 14 , 2016 LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT NEW MIDWEST COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT RATIFIED On Oct. 14, 2016, the NATCA Midwest membership ratified the new Collective Bargaining Agreement ("CB A") for the bargaining unit. The new CBA was ratified by 87.5 percent of those who voted. Accordingly, the new CBA is effective as of Oct . 14. Official contract books will be printed and mailed to the m embership in the coming weeks. The new CBA is the result o f tremendous effort from the negotiating team and represents a major improvement in wages and other terms and conditions of employment for the bargaining unit. POC: Christopher Gant, Senior Labor Relations Attorney . NATCA SUBMITS BRIEFS IN FLRA HEARING On Oct. 13, 2016, NATCA submitted its brief to the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) regarding an early August hearing on two representation petitions. The hea ring, which was held from Aug. 2 - 4, 2016, dealt with WA - RP - 15 - 0067 and S F - RP - 16 - 0010. NAT CA filed WA - RP - 15 - 0067 in September of 2015 seeking to represent all professional and nonprofessional employees in the Air Traffic Safety Oversight Service (AOV), and Air Traffic Safety Operations Oversight Division (AOV - 200). The FAA filed SF - RP - 16 - 0010 i n December of 2015 seeking to clarify ASFCME's headquarters unit. The FLRA requested that the two petitions be consolidated because the Agency alleged that the AOV - 200 employees are headquarters employees that fall under AFSCME's certification. The Agency also alleged that the AOV - 200 employees are excluded from bargaining unit eligibility under ยง 7112(b) of the Statute. In the brief, NATCA argued that the FLRA should not modify the AFSCME headquarters certification because there has been no change in the unit that would r ender such a change necessary. NATCA also argued that the AOV - 200 employees are field employees who do not fall under the AFSCME headquarters certification and do not perform duties that would require their exclusion under the Statute. NA TCA requested that the FLRA order a representation election i n AOV - 200 as soon as possible. NATCA expects that the FLRA will render a decision on the two petitions within a few months. POCs: NOC Chairman John Bratcher, NOC Eastern Region Representative T orrey Reich, Special Counsel to the President Eugene Freedman, Director of Labor Relations Ryan Smith, and Assistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale . AIT REORGANIZATION On Oct . 13, 2016, NATCA received a briefing from the Agency on the reorganiza tion of the Office of I nformation & Technology (AIT). The Agency described the reorganization as an effort to improve AIT's organizational structur e as the organization matures.