NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: November 2, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT CONGRESSIONAL SCHEDULE The House and Senate r emain in recess until after the November elections. Lawmakers return to D.C. for legislative business the following week, with the House gaveling in Monday, November 14, and the Senate the following day. BUSY LAME DUCK SESSION BRINGS ANOTHER SHUTDOWN THRE AT A lame duck session of Congress describes the period between the November elections and the swearing in of the new Congress in January. During the lame duck, Congress will need to pass a government funding bill before the Dec . 9 deadline. Therefore, the lame duck session will likely focus on the funding bill. However, what happens during a lame duck session also depends on which presidential nominee is elected, as well as the results of which party ends up controlling the Senate and how many seats the De mocrats pick up in the House. As the Dec . 9 deadline approaches, we'll hear more about the possibility of a government shutdown. GA is working with members of Congress and staff to ensure they are aware of the negative impact a shutdown has on the NAS. DECEMBER FUNDING BILL Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the federal government and avoid a government shutdown before the Sept . 30 deadline. The CR (H.R. 5325) funds the government until Dec . 9, meaning Congress will need to quickly cons ider another funding bill when it returns for the lame duck. After a month - long struggle to agree upon and finally pass H.R. 5325, many observers are already concerned that congressional leaders could have trouble passing another spending bill during the s hort period of time that they are scheduled to be in session during November and December. NATCA Position : NATCA continues to advocate for a stable, predictable funding stream. GA staff has also been meeting with congressional staff during rece ss to advocate in support of the funding levels included in the House and Senate versions of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bills. These appropriations bills would provide adequate funding levels that NATCA advocate d for throughout the appropriations process, as opposed to simply continuing current funding levels. LOOKING AHEAD TO 115TH CONGRESS The new 115th Congress will convene at the beginning of January with a new President in the White House. We expect many ne w members of Congress will be elected to the House and Senate following the November elections, so it will be important to introduce them to NATCA's issues as early as possible. GA is preparing material for DC visits to new members' offices on the first da y they are sworn in.

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