A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/806148
NATCA NATIONAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL WEEK IN REVIEW March 11 - 24 , 2017 LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT FAA BRIEFING ON CHANGES TO FAA ORDER 7210.3Z AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL On March 6, 2017, the Agency notified NATCA about its intent to issue Change 3 to FAA Order 7210.3Z, Air Traffic Cont rol, effective April 27, 2017. NATCA requested a briefing about the proposed changes, which the Age ncy provided on March 16, 2017. These changes were not done in collaboration with NATCA, but the Agency has indicated that it will i nclude NATCA AJV - 8 National Representativ e Andy Marosvari in the future. The briefing consisted of reviewing the E xplanation of Change document. NATCA is satisfied with this briefing and has no proposals at this time. POCs: Director of Labor Relations Rya n Smith, Phil Barbarello, NATCA AJV - 8 National Representative Andy Marosvari, Assistant Director of Safety and Technology Mark McKelligan, and Labor Relations Attorney Suzanne DeFelice . AIT REORGANIZATION On March 24, 2017, NATCA received a briefing from the Agency on the reorganization of the Office of I nformation & Technology (AIT). The Agency described the reorganization as an effort to improve AIT's organizational structu re as the organization matures. During the briefing, the Agency stated that the ch anges will better align organizational units with their actual functions, and in some cases, will redistribute the workload to improve operational capabili ties. The reorganization moves the Product Management Branch within the Solution Delivery Service (A DE) so that it re ports to a new branch manager. The reorganization also creates an Intake Branch within the Business Partnership Service (APS) and a Workforce Development Staff Office within the Strateg y & Performance Service (ASP). The Agency has represen ted that there would be no changes in pay, geographic location, ability to telework, or any other working condition for any BUE. POCs: Region X RVP Mike MacDonald, AIT National Representative Ken Slauson, and Labor Relations Attorney Grant Mulkey . FIREFOX INFORMATION REQUEST FINAL UPDATE As previously updated on March 1, 2017, the Agency sent an information request on Feb. 16, 2017, to employees who have Firefox software ins talled on their FAA computers. This information request was sent to 235 NATCA - repre sented BUEs. The purpose of the information request is to determine whether employees who have Firefox have a need for the software. Firefox is not currently supported by the Office of Information & Technology Services (AIT). The Agency sent an email to e mployees' FAA email addresses with a l ink to a SurveyMonkey webpage. The deadline to respond to this information request is close of busine ss this FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017. If an employee does not respond, the Agency will conclude that the employ ee no longer requires Firefox. AIT will begin removing Firefox from FAA - issued computers as early as April 24, 2017.