NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: May 17, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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NATCA NATIONAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL WEEK IN REVIEW May 6 - 12 , 2017 LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT NATCA ATTENDS NTSB INVESTIGATION AT CRW On May 8 and 9, 2017, NATCA Labor Relations participated in an NTSB investiga tion at Charleston ATCT (CRW). The NTSB came to the facility to investigate a fatal incident involving (Night Cargo) SNC1260/SH33 that occurred on May 5, 2017. The NTSB's ATC Workgroup included Lead Investigator Dan Bartlett, NATCA ASI Representative Tim Keck (CLE), and FAA SME Chauntel Seiler from the Compliance Services Group. The FAA's investigation team included Events Investigation Manager Matt Cabak, EQCG representative Steven Sutcavage, and Mark Tomicic h, Office of the Chief Counsel. NATCA Labor Relations represented all bargaining unit emplo yees interviewed by the NTSB in its investigation. POCs: Eastern RVP Dean Iacopelli, CRW FacRep Brent Garrett, and Assistant Director of Labor Relations Erina Hammond . BRIEFING REQUESTS On May 17, 2017, NATCA requested a briefing on GENOT 7110.XXX, Inte rim Procedures for the B78X Aircraft. We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request. POCs: Labor Relations Representative Melinda Kim and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson . On May 15, 2017, NATCA requested a briefi ng on FAA Order 8040.4B, Safety Risk Management Policy. We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request. POCs: Assistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson .

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