A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/883404
NATCA NATIONAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL WEEK IN REVIEW September 23 - 29 , 2017 LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT NATCA BRIEFED ON POTENTIAL ASAP PROGRAM FOR AIR FLIGHT TEST PROGRAM On Sept . 28, 2017, NATCA was briefed on the AIR Flight Test Program's efforts to esta blish an Aviation Safety Activation (ASAP) Program. ASAP is a voluntary safety partnership between the Agency and NATCA that allows employees to report observed or experienced safety concerns without fear of the FAA taking punitive or disciplinary acti on. ASAP reports are submitted through an online Safety Reporting System (SRS) or by telephone. Any information obtained through an ASAP report is strictly prohibited from being used for disciplinary or punitive enforceme nt action by FAA Order 8900.1. The pu rpose of an ASAP program is to encourage voluntary reporting of safety information and improve the safety culture in the Agency. NATCA and the Agency are working to develop an MOU to govern the ASAP program that would apply to the AIR Flight Test employe es. POCs: National Safety Representative Steve Hansen, AIR National Rep Scott Odle, Mike Collins, and Assistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale . BRIEFING REQUESTS On Oct . 3, 2017, NATCA requested a briefing on eLMS Maintenance and Related Blac kboard Outages. We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request. POCs: Labor Relations Attorney Suzanne DeFelice and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson . On Oct . 3, 2017, NATCA requested a briefing on DCP 7210.3 Chapt er 11 Section 1 through 5 (Migration of Order 7210.54C). We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request. POCs: Labor Relations Representative Melinda Kim and Labor Rela tions Coordinator Kendal Manson. On Oct . 3, 2017, NATCA requested a briefing on the drug testing for those employees who telework, work remo tely or are virtual employees. We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request. POCs: Director of Labor Relations Ryan Smith and Labor Rela t ions Coordinator Kendal Manson. On Oct. 2, 2017, NATCA requested a briefing on HRPM Volume 8, Leave and Work Schedules, LWS 8.1 2, FAA Leave Sharing Programs. We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request.