NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: October 17, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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facility so uncertain of the aircraft's true position tha t they stopped all departures. This event was also found to be highlighted by the P erformance Monitor post event. This particular aircraft's avionics issue appears to be resolved, but, agai n, response time to these events needs to be addressed in order to limit facility exposure to safety compromising events. Advanced IM AIRS meeting scheduled for early November postponed. Still awaiting American Airline funding decision. ASDE - X Tech Refr esh: Dan Hamilton is working with Bridget Gee (runway safety Rep) i n the development of Taxiway alerts. Tech refresh training continues to move forward as we roll it out to facilities. ASSC : MCI facility meeting taking place on Oct 17th. CVG SAT (site acceptance testing) taking place the week of Oct 16th followed by initial optimization starting the week of Oct 23rd. FMA in Fusion: Operational evalu ation and SRMP have concluded. Sep Standards and Collision Risk analysis of IBI mode has delayed the co mpletion of the SRMD. Operational start of FMA use of Fusion is now planned for Novembe r 2017. The change in procedure is not anticipated to require additional controller training as these facilities are already trained on both FMA and Fusion. GIM - S: ZD V submitted an adaptation change to remove speed advisories for descent until further refinements can be made to the system. The GIM - S Demo scheduled for November with the NUT Team has been cance lled due to budget reductions. ZSE adaptation activities at the Tech Center are also likely to be postponed or cancelled for the same reason. MEARTS Fusion: 3nm Fusion in MEARTS is a complex undertaking requiring multiple Tower, Approach, and En route sectors to come online with Fusion at the same time. The lesson s learned in this undertaking will help the effort with future MEARTS and ERAM sites. ZAN has bee n on Fusion since August 2015. HCF has been on Fusion since Aug . 1, 2017. Plans are being made for the continued deploying 3NM F usion in MEARTS at ZSU and ZUA. Due to the significant impact of Hurricane Irma on Puerto Rico (ZSU), the focus for the time being will be on ZUA (Guam). Surveillance Portfolio Analysis Work Group Eric Labardini and James Keith (NATCA AJV - 7) have been working closely with the Agenc y's multifaceted analysis of post 2020 radar infrastru cture needs. The ADS - B

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