NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: October 17, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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NATCA EDGE - Designed exclusively for NATCA members! Can't get to an in - person retirement seminar? We'll bring the seminar to you! Presenting an all - new, flexible access, web - based session of ou r popu lar retirement benefits seminar. Remaining 2017 seminar : Eastern Time Zone – Dec. 6 (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.) To register for the Dec. 6 session , visit the NATCA Portal . Click "Events" on the menu bar on the home page, then select the "2017 NATCA Edge Online Retirement Webinar" link. Follow the questions and directions from there. Personalized benefit estimate for participants paid for is an exclusive benefit for NATCA members. You will never be solici ted or sold anything, ever! For any questions or problems with registration, please contact . SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT SURVEY – TRAINING The FAA over the next year will be reviewing many aspects of air traffic training, including proficiency a nd skill enhancement training. One goal is to identify training topics that may need to be updated, while investigating new and more effectiv e methods in program delivery. Your participa tion in completing the linked survey conducted by the FAA's Center of Excellence for Technical Training and Human Performance will assist them in identifying the topics and delivery methods to be examined. NATCA recommends participation in this survey. Click here to start the survey. Partic ipation is completely anonymous. SURVEY – IFR/VFR CONFLICTS ATO's Safety and Technical Training gr oup (AJI) has been asked to assess the effectiveness of awareness campaign materials related to IFR/VFR conflicts. The purpose of this survey is to gather opinions on how IFR and VFR traffic is handled at your facility. The goal at this time is to gather b aseline information on the current culture, attitudes, and behaviors related to managing potential IFR/VFR conflicts. The plan is to provide a follow - up survey in about a year, to assess changes in attitudes or behavior related to IFR/VFR conflicts. This IVF/VFR Conflict Attitudes survey is voluntary and all responses are anonymous. No identifiable information is included in this survey. NATCA has recommended participation in this survey. Please click this link to take the survey: NATCA Safety & Tech Upd ate Week of Oct. 16 , 2017 ATO OPERATIONAL CONTINGENCY GROUP (ATOC) Jason Grider (ZFW) is the Article 114 Representative for NATCA. Also, included in Mr. Grider's du ties is Article 114 representation for the Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Mr. Grider's report for this month is below.

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