NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: October 17, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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The new ERAM processors do not support EBUS, so that backup system is slated for removal. We have strenuously opposed this removal and have worked with the agency to develop the requirements for a replacement ba ckup system. A Safety Risk Management Panel was held last month on this issue and the results are pending. Airborne Reroute (ABRR) conformant route notification is scheduled to be reactivated Oct. 30th, pending success ful testing at the Tech Center. Aft er that, ARTCCs will be able to re - enable ABRR full functionality which will simplify the processing of Traffic Management Initiatives by allowing the TMIs to be sent directly to the controlling sector. All controllers and TMCs should complete the eLMS cou rse before their facility enables ABRR. The National User Team (NUT) held its quarterly meeting the week of Oct. 18 in Washington, D.C. Some of the issues worked on during that meeting include: ER 178785 CID Letter Allocation The team discussed and re ached consensus on the problem statement, its desired behavior is to reduce the incidence of letters in CIDs and when letters are in use better controlling the frequency of their use. ER 179559 for UU command The team discussed and reached consensus on t he problem statement, its desired behavior is to create a keyboard command that will toggle the display of the Message Out View. ER 177574 Keyboard Macro Command The team discussed the ER and decided to create a simplified problem statement with a desire d behavior that creates a keyboard command for execution of Macros. The command should be eligibl e from the R and RA positi ons. ER 175522 Dwell Lock Keyboard Command The team discussed and reached consensus on the problem statement, its desired behavi or is to create a new command line entry for Dwell lock available from both the R & D positions. ER 173645 Improper Flight Plan to ZYZ The team decided to update the problem statement to reflect more specific language, the new desired behavior is to mod ify processing to ensure that flight data passed to Canada reflects all needed fixes and routing and is consistent with the sending ERAM flight plan and any data passed ERAM to ERAM as part of the AOI flight plan. Handoff to Non - US The task team provide d a briefing on the status of the hand - off to NavCanada project. ICAO Full Template The draft use case was discussed and the team f eels that it can be simplified. The task team will review the current template to determine if its functionality is suffic ient. ER 169885 Printing EDCT Strips

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