NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: October 17, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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A draft problem statement was created, its desired behavior is to ensure that the CFR should reflect the routing provi ded in the Aircraft List (ACL). PR 175494 Forcing FDB for LOF Flights The ticket is already packaged in EAE200 however since packaging, more incidents o f the issue have been reported. The ticket will be sent to NPT to de termine if packaging can be moved to an earlier release. The Data Com team gave briefings on Full Services use cases, summary of demo activities, Procedures, Adaptation and Route Load ability (Compliant Routes), HF Frequency Support (ER168247) and the up coming NSDA Transition. Additionally, changes and discrepancies for the following issues were discussed, the updated use cases will be provided to the team for review and consensus: Emergency PID Alert View logic at ATWS, Route Functionality Switch (ER 1 74400), DAT Code Required for En Route Session, Session Termination Changes when LDA is National, Automatic Altimeter Delay (ER 176091), Data Com Radar Service Terminated (ER 174189) and UCMV Message Out Menu sort order (ER 177868). ENTERPRISE - INFOR MATION DISPLAY SYSTEM (E - IDS) Amanda Hodge (ZOA) is the Article 114 Representative for Enterprise - Informatio n Display System (E - IDS) work. Ms. Hodge's report for the membership is below. Background : The Enterprise Information Display System (E - IDS) project aims to replace all existing IDSs in the NAS, providing the Agency with one enterprise solution across facility types. While some customization is necessary and should be available, one system will reduce overall costs for upkeep and training, and resolve the u pcoming end - of - life issues we have with our current IDSs in the field (IDS - 4, ERIDS, etc.). The project is still in the early stages of development. The E - IDS En Route Questionnaire is now closed. Thank you to every En Route facility and Member that part icipated. The information gathered is extremely helpful during this initial process to help make sure that the needs of every facility type are met. I will be meeting via telcon with MITRE and the FAA next week to further define our plan and processes movi ng forward. We are exploring multiple options and will be choosing the one that best fits our needs, while keeping in mind staffing and budgetary constraints. The Oceanic Questionnaire is still going through the approval process, and will be disseminated t o the field when feasible. Upcoming activities: Initial Oceanic Questionnaire (pending approval) Subsequent En - Route work with SMEs (the process is still being defined . ) FL IGHT DATA INPUT OUTPUT (FDIO) Corey Soignet (LFT) is the FDIO Article 114 Represen tative. Also included in Mr. Soignet's duties is Article 114 representation for the Electronic Flight Strip Transfer System (EFSTS). Mr. Soignet forwarded the information below for the membership.

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