NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: October 17, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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FAA BUDGET LINE FY 2018 FY 2018 House Request Senate Request Operations $10,185,482,000 $10,186,000,000 Facilities & Equipment $2,855,000,000 $3,005,000,000 Research, Engineering & Development $170,000,000 $179,000,000 NATCA Impact : Congress hasn't completed all 12 regular spending bills on time for any fiscal year since the mid - 1990s, relying often on short - term funding patches that continue funding levels from the previous year without major changes. The lack of a s table and predictable funding stream leaves the FAA in financial limbo, and prevents government agencies such as the FAA from starting new projects or adjusting priorities. FAA REAUTHORIZATION In September, Congress narrowly avoided a shutdown at the FAA by passing a six - month extension for the FAA. The extension will reauthorize FAA programs until the end of March 2018. Background : Prior to passage of the short - term extension, both the House and Senate have passed FAA reauthorization legislation throug h their respective committees of jurisdiction (H.R. 2997 and S. 1405). However, neither bill has been brought to the floor for consideration, which made the six - month extension necessary. The extension puts House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Chair man Bill Shuster's proposal to reform air traffic control on hold, but lawmakers in the House could still consider the legislation if it garners enough votes for passage. NATCA Impact : NATCA played a critical role with Congress as the FAA extension was being considered, and we will continue to engage Congress as the FAA Reauthorization process continues. NATCA continues to highlight the need for a stable, predictable funding stream that adequately supports the following: air traffic control services, sta ffing, hiring and training, long - term modernization projects, preventative maintenance, ongoing modernization to the physical infrastructure, and the timely implementation of NextGen modernization projects. AVIATION LABOR LETTER NATCA joined the Air Line Pilots Association, Int 'l. (ALPA) and the Association of Flight Attendants - Communications Workers of America (AFA - CWA) in sending a letter to Congress urging support for H.R. 2997, the Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act, legislatio n introduced by House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster for FAA reauthorization. The members of these associations are the backbone of the aviation system that keep America flying 365 days a year, and are seeking long - term sus tainability, predictability, and safety improvements critical to the needs of our aviation system. UAS INDUSTRY LETTER Nearly 30 groups and companies, including NATCA, sent a letter last week to President Trump calling for a pilot program for the FAA, sta tes, local governments and industry to collaborate on integrating drones into U.S. airspace. The groups emphasized that government - industry collaboration is key to unlocking the tremendous societal and

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