A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association
Issue link: http://natca.uberflip.com/i/895825
NATCA NATIONAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL WEEK IN REVIEW October 21 - 27 , 2017 LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT HRPM ER - 4.1 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND HRPM ER - 4.1A SOCIAL MEDIA MOU On Oct. 24, 2017, NATCA and the Agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning revisions to HRPM ER - 4.1 Standards of Conduct and HRPM ER - 4.1a Use of Social Media by FAA Employees. Among other things, the MOU provides that the provisions in ER - 4.1a regarding personal use of social media (Paragraph 7) do not apply to NATCA bar gaining unit employees (BUEs). Rather, personal use of social media by NATCA BUEs is addressed in Appendix A to the MOU: NATCA BUEs may use social media during duty on a limited basis, and may use social media during breaks and/or lunch periods regardless of duty status. NATCA BUEs must not misuse their FAA position or give the appearance of misuse on social media forums. NATCA BUEs must exercise sound judgment and ensure a disti nct separation between their personal use of social media and their job responsibilities. NATCA BUEs are responsible for materials displayed on their personal devices in an FAA facility. POCs: Eastern RVP Dean Iacopelli, Director of Labor Relations Ryan S mith, Labor Relations Attorney Grant Mulkey, and Phil Barbarello . HHS REVISION TO THE MANDATORY GUIDELINES FOR FEDERAL WORKPLACE TESTING PROGRAMS The Health and Human Service (HHS) has made revisions to the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Wo rkplace Drug Testing Programs. One of the revisions includes the ability to screen for synthetic opioids during urine testing to include Hydrocodone, Hydromorphon e, Oxycodone, and Oxymorphone. As a result, the DOT Order 3910.1D will be updated to include testing for t hese drugs. HHS has made this mandatory for a ll Federal agencies as of Oct. 1, 2017. However, DOT will not begin testing for the ex panded drug panel before 2018. The Agency expects to begin notifying each employee in a Testing Designated Position (TDP) on or about Nov . 1, 2017 of this change. The notice will be a mandatory training item in eLMS that mu st be completed prior to 2018. This is not actually a training course but a notice that informs TDP employees of the addition of the four new drugs to the panel of dru gs for which the Agency tests. Prior to this being activated in eLMS, the Agency will provide to NATCA a copy of the information that will be provided to the employees. Employees should remain aware that if they should test positive for drugs , and do not have a valid medical prescription for use during the relevant time period, the drug test will be verified positive by the Medical Review Officer.