NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: March 30, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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o ZDC, ZBW, ZNY are 90% complete with the notional design of "Q" routes and planning for removal of j et routes. These three teams will be running ISIM HITLs modeling in April to tweak and submit their final designs. The northern tier f acilities have been outstanding in their progress. The progress of ACRP has progressed south to the point of joining up notional routes for ZDC, ZJX, and ZMA. All three facilities met at ZMA 3/8 - 10 for this work. Some progress was made along the east coast where the "AR" routes continue south through ZMA and towards ZSU and Cuba. o ACRP is ready to proceed south but is now awaiting the progress of So uth Fl orida Metroplex Q Route design. Much coordination between ACRP and Metroplex will need to take place in o rder for ACRP to continue development while Metroplex is on stand do wn for the next year at least. The leads of both programs will attempt to coordinate the progress of the "Q" route development. The increase of over 110 flights daily in and out of Cuba wi ll require ACRP to expedite work at the FIR boundaries to handle the increase in traffic. Without it , expect delays throughout the NAS. o Submitted by Jorge Rivera , Article 48 Rep National Route Structure Program/ ACRP Co - lead • Florida Metroplex Outreach o Furt her refinement of proposed outreach activities has been proposed for approval by AJV - 0. Initial contact has been accomplished with the impacted Core - 30 Airport Authorities and all are willing to assist the team with outreach. In addition, I have been worki ng with Miami Tower and TRACON to get their procedures and airspace further refined. o Mark Ostronic , NATCA Metroplex Team • Western PBN and EoR o 3/1 - 3 : Participated in the Airspace Summit . o 3/8 : Participated in the NorCal Metroplex closeout. The discussion prim arily centered on lessons learned , as well as the issues currently facing the Bay Area as it relates to Class B redesign, noise, community outreach , and current amendments being processed. o 3/15 - 16 : Participated in the NavTac all hands meeting. The agenda i ncluded extensive discussion about community outreach and environmental issues. It was briefed that what community outreach will look like has not been fully determined. A briefing was also presented on the VOR MON. There is significant concern from the c o - leads and from the Tetra Tech specialists over the state of readiness as the MON moves forward. Additional briefings included ACRP, PBN overview, PBN project control, Open SIDS , and TARGETS . o 3/21 - 24 : Participated in Communicating for Safety . o EoR – Seattle EoR continues to draw attention with concerns the TRACON is not utilizing Greener Skies procedures. Prepared a white paper for J . Davis highlighting successes and the current state of Seattle EoR. o FAA NextGen office is preparing to begin expanding EoR in the NAS. The AFS safety study for TF EoR is expected in mid - May. In preparation for the study release, facilities are being evaluated as potential candidates for design and implementation of TF EoR with Duals. Currently five facilities are being considered , including Charlotte, Standiford, Houston, Salt Lake , and Denver. Currently, three facilities have been contacted:

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