NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: March 30, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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o We have been involved in helping the Western Service Center develop a response to several congressional inquiries in Northern California (NorCal Initiative) stemming from community concerns by making sure the local facilities were able to help develop the response. In addition, PBN is also lo oking at ways to coordinate with the VOR MON program and continu ing to look for ways to improve the PBN Dashboard. We are also engaged in the rewrite of the 8260.43 order that governs the scheduling and prioritization of procedure development in AJV - 5. o Sub mitted by Metroplex Study Team Lead Art. 48 Ed Hulsey • National Design and implementation Rep o We continue to meet with the Agency about community outreach and developing action plans for current and future Metroplex teams. The Florida D&I team is the most t roubling to the FAA because of its size, however last week we developed an action plan that should cover most concerns, and we are waiting for Lynn Ray (VP of mission support) to sign off on the plan. There has not been any agreement on how to conduct comm unity outreach for the 7100.41 projects. o NATCA will be briefed by the VORMON program office on3/29/2016 . T here are multiple issues that nee d to be worked out before the program can come close to developing an accurate waterfall list, such as SRM/PBN proced ure development. The other major concern is that additional staffing will be needed to accomplish VORMON for the service centers and the OSG c o - leads and this will not happen anytime soon. o Submitted by Mark McKelligan (ZBW) , National D&I Rep • NATCA National Airspace Rep o We attended the Airspace Services Industry S ummit the first week of March. There was some good discussion and an opportunity to address so me of the Tech Pilots concerns. The third week in March we attended CFS ; most of the Tech Pilots also at tended and helped us conduct presentations on the NAS NAV Strategy, PBN Implementation , and Decision Support Tools. o Community outreach is still being discussed throughout many organizations in the FAA , and NATCA continues to seek answers on how we can move forw ard. We had some of our reps meet last week to specifically talk about the Flo rida Metroplex due to its size. We think some progress was made and we will hopefully finalize that plan on April 8 when we meet with the VP of Mission Support , Ms. Lynn Ray . o Northern California officially closed out their Metroplex project on March 8, soon to be followed by the D . C . Metroplex project on April 4. T hat will give us four completed Metroplex projects. Our goal for Metroplex was to create a process for procedure implementation in which we bring the needed resources to a location so the affected facilities would have the tools needed to be successful in implementin g PBN procedures into the NAS. Mr. Davis would like to thank the tremendous leadership our co - leads h ave shown the last five years as we continue to improve the process moving forward. o Submitted by Jim Davis (PCT) , NATCA National Airspace Rep FLIGHT DATA INPUT OUTPUT (FDIO): Ron Shusterman (A90) is the F DIO Article 48 Representat ive. Also included in Mr. S husterman's duties are Article 48 representation for the Electronic Flight Strip Transfer System (EFSTS). Mr. Shusterman forwarded the

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