NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: March 30, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Terminal Flight Data Manager (TFDM) Temporary Operational Contingency Office (TOCO) Weather Week of March 21, 2016: Airspace Flight Data Input Output (FDIO) LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT NATCA PREPARES LEGAL BRIEF IN MILITARY/DOD CONTROLLERS PAY ARBITRATION CASE Recently, NATCA particip ated in an arbitration hearing in Anchorage, AK over disputed language in Article 108 , Section 4.C of the Red Book. Under Article 108, Section 4.C, incoming military or DoD controllers with "52 consecutive weeks experience as a certified air traffic contro ller" are due pay at the lowest Developmental pay level when they join their facilities, rather than merely Academy Graduate level pay, as an acknowledgement of the exp erience they bring to the FAA. NATCA argued at hearing that 52 consecutive weeks of main taining certification meets the " 52 consecuti ve weeks experience" standard. Now, NATCA advocates are preparing a legal brief to be submitted to Arbitrator Kathy Eisenmenger in mid - April. NATCA POCs: Director of Labor Relations Ryan Smith, Assistant Directo r of Labor Relations Erina Hammond, and Scot Morrison . NATCA AND FAA COLLABORATE REGARDING AIT HELPDESK/DESKSIDE SUPPORT ISSUE NATCA is currently engaged in a collaborative effort with the FAA regarding the transition from the Service Center IT Operat ions to the Helpdesk Contract. This initiative affects approximately forty (40) NATCA bargaining unit employees in the Agency's Office of Information Technology (AIT) within the Office of Finance and Management (AFN). The parties are meeting weekly to develop a process for placing former Helpdesk/Deskside support employees in new position s within the AIT organization. NATCA is also working to develop a Memorandum of Under standing regarding this issue. NATCA will continue to update the affect ed employees about t his effort. NATCA POCs: Region X Regional Vice President Mike MacDonald, AFN National Representative Ken Slauson, and Assistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale . NATCA RECEIVES BRIEFING ON NORSEE POLICY STATEMENT On March 11, 2016, NATCA received a briefing from the Agency on FAA proposed Policy Statement AIR10016 - 111 - PM01, Approval of Non - Required Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE ). The NORSEE Policy Statement applies only to general aviation and rotorcraft aircraft. The purpose of the Policy St atement is to differentiate between routine non - required equipment and non - required equipment that enhances the safety of the aircraft, providing a standardized approval process for the latter. NATCA has been directly involved throughout the process to dev elop the proposed policy statement and, as such, no proposals were submitted following the briefing. NATCA POCs: AIR National Representative Tomaso DiPaolo and Labor Relations Attorney Damien Maree .

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