NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: April 13, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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NATCA NATIONAL OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL WEEK IN REVIEW April 2 - 8 , 2016 IN THIS ISSUE (Click on each topic and sub - topic to be taken directly to those sections): FROM THE GENERAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE 2016 Electio n of National Representatives: Nomination Information and Election Timeline LABOR RELATIONS NATCA Meets With FAA To Discuss A90 - K90 Realignment NATCA Receives Briefing On Executive Operations And Building Services Off ice Move In Eastern Region Briefing Requests Surveys GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Congressional Schedule Long - Term FAA Reauthorizatio n Appropriations Update FY 17 Budget COMMUNICATIONS Cool Video of the Week The NATCA Insider – Our Gift To You Of Inte resting Member News And Information ! Other Ways to Stay Informed About Your Union (including social media, email alerts) Communicating For Safety Wrap - Up 12TH Annual Archie Leagu e Medal Of Safety Awards Banquet The Website ; Navigating and Accessing The Communications Department – We're Here To Help WEEKLY MESSAGE FROM FAA ATO COO TERI BRISTOL ATO Leadership Summit MEMBERSHIP AND MARKETING NATCA Store Item of the Week: Poly Ottoman Shirt Benefits Spotlight: UNUM C ambridge Corner: Got a divorce in your history? Upcoming Retirement Seminars NATCA Edge - Designed exclusively for NATCA members! SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY Human Performance NAS Voice System (NVS) NextGen

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