NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: April 13, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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NATCA RECEIVES BRIEFING ON EXECUT IVE OPERATIONS AND BUILDING SERVICES OFFICE MOVE IN EASTERN REGION On April 7, 2015, NATCA received a briefing on the Agency ' s plans to relocate certain employees in Executive Operations and Building Services within the Office of Finance and Management (A FN). During the briefing, the Agency explained that under ARC Optimization, the affected employees became a part of the Regional Administrator ' s Executive Staff. The Agency stated that as a result, it intends to relocate the employees into office space clo ser to the Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator. The Agency intends to build new cubicles to accommodate the employees. It briefed NATCA that the cubicles will be 8x8 feet and that the project could be accomplished within two weeks of t he start date. The Agency does not have a projected start date for this project. NATCA intends to submit proposals regarding this initiative. NATCA POCs: Region X RVP Mike MacDonald, AFN National Representative Ken Slauson, and Assistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale. BRIEFING REQUESTS On April 7, 2016, NATCA requested a briefing on FAA Order 1900.47E, Air Traffic Control Operational Contingency Plans . We are currently waiting for a response from the Agency regarding our request. NATCA POCs: As sistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson . On April 6, 2015, NATCA requested a briefing on the Active Shooter Training . We are currently waiting for a response from th e Agency regarding our request. NA TCA POCs: Assistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale and Labor Relations Coordinator Kendal Manson . SURVEYS NATCA recommends participation in the 2016 Fede ral Employee Viewpoint Survey. However, we strongly recommend that participants do NOT answ er q uestions 87 - 96 within Section VIII as they may aid in revealing the identity of participants. If you have any questions, please contact Kendal Manson, Labor Relations Coordinator at . GOVE RNMENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT CONGRESSI ONAL SCHEDULE : The House returned from its two - week recess on Tuesday, April 12. The Senate has also been in session for the week starting on Monday, April 11. LONG - TERM FAA REAUTHORIZATION : A short - term extension (H.R. 4721) is currently in place to extend aviation programs and excise taxes through July 15, 2016. The extension will give both chambers time to decide how to move forward with a long - term FAA reauthorization bill. Read below for an update on what action the House and Senate chambers have taken to address long - term FAA reau thorization. Senate Action : The Senate Commerce Committee approved its version of a long - term FAA reauthorization bill, titled the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2006 (S. 2658). The Senate is n ow using the shell of an unrelated House - passed bill (H.R. 636) as the legislative vehicle to consider the FAA reauthorization bill (S.2658) this week on the

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