NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: April 13, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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D. To have his/her ballot counted, a voter mu st be a member, in good standing, of that bargaining unit as of fifteen (15) days immediately preceding the closing of the balloting (that is, as of July 31, 2016). E. Voters are not permitted to sign or otherwise make a distinguishing mark on the ballots . A signed or marked ballot shall be ruled ineligible. Ballots must be placed in the secret ballot envelope and returned in the postage pre - paid return envelope to be eligible. F. Members shall be entitled to a duplicate ballot, provided that they make a timely request for one by contacting NATCA Assistant General Counsel Lauren Schmidt by 5:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. In the event that a member casts both an original and a duplicate ballot, only the dup licate ballot shall be counted. Section 5 – Ballot Collection & Tally A. On the morning of Tuesday, August 16, 2016, the ballots shall be collected from the designated p ost o ffice b ox. B. Collected ballots shall be returned to the NATCA National Office, and all eligible ballots received shall b e tallied. The results of each election shall be published on or before Thursday, August 18, 2016. Section 6 – Runoff, Election Protests, & Installation A . In the event of a tie in any contest, a runoff election will be conducted. B. Any election protes t shall be filed in accordance with Article VII, Section 7 of the NATCA National Constitution C. The term of the new National Representatives will commence on September 1, 2016 or, if an election protest is filed, immediately following the resolution of t he election protest. In the event of a runoff election, the term will commence following the completion of th e runoff election or resolution of any election protest. LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT NATCA MEETS WITH FAA TO DISCUSS A90 - K90 REALIGNMENT On Monda y, April 4, 2016, NATCA met with the FAA regarding the Agency ' s plan to realign Cape TRACON (K90) operations to Boston TRACON (A90). During the meeting, the Parties discussed the Section 804 collaborative workgroup, which was created as a result of the 201 2 FAA Reauthorization Act to make recommendations regarding air traffic control consolidations and realignments. The Parties discussed the desire for a collaborative approach to the K90 to A90 consolidation. The Parties will reconvene on April 25 to contin ue discussions. NATCA POCs: Great Lakes Regional Vice President Bryan Zilonis, Section 804 Lead Don Chapman, Section 804 Workgroup Member Mitch Herrick, Bob Aitken, and Assistant Director of Labor Relations Nicole Vitale .

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