NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: April 13, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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• Mr. Barr ett has completed a 5 - year implementation draft for the Human Performance team. He did this in response to a request from Terry Biggio to "paint a picture" of what Mr. Barrett and his FAA Co - Lead believe they can and want to do. The plan involves some regi onal advocates that will have to be extensively trained in all the activities we are involved in such as assisting in investigations, facility training, OJTI, Leadership, teamwork and c ultural/generational differences workshops. Our vision is to eventually imbed human performance experts in all the major facilities and geographic areas. Terry Biggio (FAA) is understand ably concerned about resources. • The fatigue office activities include: o At CFS Mr. Barrett discovered that the communications office at FAA ha s acquired the license and distribution capability to build resident applications for Android and iPhones. To say he was aggravated is an understatement. They have been working with Infinna for two years now trying to get an alertness fatigue app built (as you may remember from past updates). They were never able to offer us a downloadable resident application, but instead provided us with a very clunky web - based app. Mr. Barrett will be discussing this with Mr. Biggio and the communication folks this week to see if we can get the alertness app built in this way rather than on the web. o Mr. Barrett attended the ICAO fatigue symposium in Montreal this past week and came away with a few good ideas for taking the FRM to a new level in the FAA. o While at the sympo sium in Montreal, Jeff Richards (NATCA Fatigue Lead) and Mr. Barrett met with reps from the International Trade Federation (ITF) who are very interested in where ICAO is going to go as far as fatigue guidance and rules for ANSPs. The ICAO SARPs are 3/4 of the way completed and there is some nervousness about ITFs concerns not being considered from a labor standpoint. They agreed to keep in contact and assist them as best they can. • The human factors office activities include: o The vetting of the certification standards has been completed at N90. They are still being consolidated by the contractor and Mr. Barrett has not seen the finished product. We have begun working on how implementation will look. This will be the hard part as everyone has a strong opinion on how to use the standards on a day - to - day basis. As of now we are still on track for July implementation after N90 finishes transition to STARS. o Mr. Barrett will be assisting with the development of the CADRE course for the new OJTI training class. Shoul d happen in early May as of right now. o Mr. Barrett participated in a CWG panel discussion at CFS. He thinks it went very well. They also did Human Factors break out sessions on human error and resiliency engineering. o HCF has been moved up on our priority l ist by AJI leadership. They had a series of telcons to see what the HP office could offer them to assist with their training, teamwork , and cultural issues. Our concern is that our activities are not a "one and done" type and that there will need to be a n umber of visits and follow - ups to ensure the concepts and recommendations are being implemented and not forgotten.

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