NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: March 30, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Most pilots question the clearance and those who don't just level at 4000, therefore requiring Potomac TRACON to intervene to questi on what the aircraft are doing. We have been in contact with ATSAP and have a teleconference with ATSAP and CISP on Marc h 29, 2016, which will hopefully bring some help to mitigate the problems we are observing. o The team has been preparing for the last set of Post Implementation procedures, which is scheduled for March 31, 2016. This work includes amending Letter s of Agreem ent, Standard Operating Procedures, Automation (ERAM/ARTS), Video Maps, NFDC Routes, Coded Departure Routes, SWAP Routes, and ex ecuting the required training. The airports affected by these procedures are Washington National Airport (KDCA), Washington Dull es International Airport (KIAD), KHEF, Baltimore Washington Thurgood Marshall International Airport (KBWI), Leesburg Executive Airport (KJYO), Winchester Regional Airport (KOKV), Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport (KMRB), and Davison Army Airfield (KDA A) . For KIAD, the BULRN RNAV SID is being canceled and replaced with the SCRAM, JDUBB, and CLTCH RNAV SIDS; KBWI has minor changes on the ANTHM and TRISH RNAV STARS where the FINNS waypoint is being changed from a FLYOVER (FO) to a FLYBY (FB) and the waypo int RAAYY was added with a crossing restriction of 4000 feet for aircraft landing Martin State . KDCA amended three RNAV SIDS to allow KIAD, KJYO, KMRB, KOKV, and KDAA to tie into them , as well as added a runway four transition to three eastbound RNAV SIDS since the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) extended runway four to 5000 feet long , making it feasible for mo re jet aircraft to request it. We also amended two westbound RNAV SIDS, which will provide divergence sooner allowing the se aircraft to climb without being restricted. o Since the procedures on March 31, 2016 will be the last ones implemented by the D . C . Metroplex team, we conducted the "D . C . Metroplex Close Out Meeting" on March 14, 2016 , where we briefed the Facility Representatives an d Air Traffic Managers from Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center and Potomac TRACON on what has transpired over the last few years and officially transfer responsibility for any further changes to them . o Submitted by Bennie Hutto , D . C . Metroplex Co - L ead • National Route Structure Program; Atlantic Coast Route Plan (ACRP) o All involved facilities have selected design teams for n o tional PBN route design and are currently working on their final designs , m ainly north/south routes "Q" routes from ZBW along th e coast to tie into the Florida Metroplex Q routes. We are working with the east coast centers in notional development and joining of "Q" routes all the way south to ZSU and t he Havana Center FIR Boundary. The first week of March was a Full Working Group ( FWG) meeting and a b riefing to industry. Over 60 reps attended, including NATCA, FAA, GA, DOD, NBAA, N4A , etc. Numerous a irline r eps and b ranches of DOD were also present. IATA, IFATCA, and many others participated via t elcon and Skype. The feedback was ov erwhelmingly positive.

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