NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: March 30, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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agreed to the new e ast c oast r outings that use these Q - Routes. The disagreement in routing is mostly to smaller airports served by the g eneral a viation c ommunity. We haven't worked a lot with the g eneral a viation c ommunity about this because it didn't come up until recently. We will brief this at our Industry Outreach Briefing on 3/30/16 where g eneral a viation will have representatives from both the NBAA and GBAA. We expect the g eneral a viation c ommunity will want to fly th e Q - routes because they provide more flexibility over the existing J - Routes. o The team has turned in all the ATL STARs to the Flight Procedures Team to get them ready for the 9/15/16 publication and 11/15/16 implementation. After Delta and Southwest recentl y flew the STARs , an issue came up with some of the altitude windows above FL290 with the 737s. Delta, Southwest , and ZTL all agreed to remove these windows above FL290. o Joey Tinsley , ATL Metroplex Article 48 • Florida Metroplex o Florida Metroplex continued to work the southern part of the project. Miami Approach, Miami Center , and Palm Beach Approach continued to work the challenges of the complex airspace of south Florida. The central group worked on design packages that have been almost been completed. Flo rida Metroplex also held a joint meeting at Miami C enter with ACRP. o The leads attended the Airspace Services summit at MITRE in Virginia. The meeting consisted of FAA officials, all Metroplex leads , and all i ndustry p ersonnel involved in Metroplex. o Mr. Har ris attended CFS and then a Metroplex planning meeting in Washington , D . C. o Submitted by Greg Harris, Florida Metroplex NATCA Art 48 rep • NorCal Metroplex o The NorCal Metroplex project was closed on March 8, 2016. The meeting took place at the Sierra Pacific District Office in Oakland and was facilitated by Acting Metroplex Program Manager George Peurifoy. Represented at the meeting: The NorCal Core Team, ZOA, NCT, i ndustry, the Western Service Area PBN team, MITRE , and CSSI. o All documentation related to the p roject was provided to ZOA and NCT. Final analysis results will be compiled in the next few months and provided to the facilities upon completion. o Many thanks go out to the NATCA members that put in countless hours and effort from the start of the project in 2011 until present – s tudy t eam through p ost - i mplementation. While work with the airspace and procedures in Northern California continues, the appreciation for their efforts cannot be understated. o Submitted by Amanda Hodge , Article 48 Rep, NorCal Metrop lex • Washington , D . C . Metroplex o The lack of understanding regarding "Climb Via" phraseology by the airlines continues to be an issue at Baltimore Washington Thurgood Washington International Airport (KBWI). Since the revised TERPZ6 and CONLE3 RNAV SIDS was implemented on February 4, 2016, numerous pilots receive an initial clearance of "Climb Via, except maintain 4000" by Baltimore Tower and on initial contact with Potomac TRACON , if traffic is not an issue, they receive "Climb Via TERPZ6, or Climb Via CONLE 3."

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