NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: March 30, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Training Center at IAH. This is related to STAR S, with multiple runway transitions, 7110.65 phraseology , and human factors/training issues with FMS functionality. The simulations were des igned to look at issues related to the runway assignment and/or changing runways , after the current standard of 10mn prior to the runway transition waypoint. We ran scenarios from ATL, CLT, SEA , and DEN. There did not appear to be issues with the functiona lity of the FMS when changing or assigning the runway after the runway transition waypoint, the issue was "time" for pilots to complete all tasks needed to brief and configure the aircraft to land. A concern was that not all airlines were present and there may be variations in the way airlines train the progra m ming of the FMSs. o Mr. Wise participated in the TARGETS High Level Design Review for the version 5.1 set to be released this summer. This is the largest and most significant change to TARGETS to date. It was announced at the Airspace Summit that TARGETS will be AJV - 5's new development tool and IDPS AJV - 5 's current tool will no longer be supported . T hey will be heavily involved with the develop ment of TARGETS moving forward. o Week t hree was back in D . C . at the NAVTEC PBN All Hands Meeting. We were briefed on the status of the VORMON, PBN RS CONOPS, PTT , AJV - 14 tracking tool, AFS Criteria change process, DataComm, and Environmental Outreach policy. o The f ourth week was spent in MEM designing nine SIDs and o ne STAR. The three facilities ( MEM, ZME and M03 ) came prepared , along with FedEx , and we finished the design work along with initial environmental discussions with th e Airport Authority in one day. o A Core work group meeting was held with ORF to discuss airs pace issues prior to a kickoff meeting to redesign the RNPs. o The k ickoff meeting for the BDL RNP redesign was postponed. o This week Mr. Wise travel s to FTW for the rewrite of the 8260.43 and ha s a JAX approach STAR redesign meeting. o Submitted by Bill Wise, ESA PBN Rep • ATL Metroplex o The Atlanta Metroplex project has been working toward SID implementation on 4/12/16 along with completing work on the STARs prior to turn in g it over to the Flight Procedures Team. o We have worked an issue regarding the ATL SID impl ementation for 4/12/16. We have had an implementation plan in place since March 2015 and have shown ZDC making CLT Metroplex airspace changes on 3/31/16, then the new ATL SIDs being implemented on 4/12/16. The airspace must be in place for the ATL SIDs to work when they fly through ZDC. In order to mitigate the concerns from ZDC, the CLT and ATL Metroplex teams have agreed to provide additional o vertime to ZDC from 3/31 - 4/11. The ZTL and ZDC TMOs have also been tasked with any necessary Mile - In - Trail and al titude restrictions during this time. o There is still a minor issue regarding LOA interpretation between ZDC and ZTL regarding the new ATL SIDs and the Q - Routes that these aircraft will join. The ZDC/ZTL LOA for 4/12/16 has been signed by both facilities, b ut they both still disagree on the interpretation of if all aircraft should be on a Q - Route, or if only the aircraft on e ast c oast r outes should be on Q - Routes. Currently the LOA has specific routings to specific e ast c oast a irports and that is how ZTL del ivers a/c to ZDC, both facilities

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