NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: October 17, 2017

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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The team discussed this ER and determined that a functional change is not needed. A local method has been developed by some sites to sto p the printing of these strips. ER 160556 Improving Fault Tolerance The team discussed the draft problem statement, it s desired behavior is upon detection and isolation of an error, provide notification o f that error to the R - Position. The status of the ERs identified by the FDB task team were discussed : • ER 172801 Auto Point O ut CHI – Solution delivered in EAD700 • ER 175474 VCI Brightness – Solution will be demonstrated via an informal in October • ER 176639 Green Indicators in the Data block - Solution will be demonstrated via an informal in October • ER 177524 VCI Pick Area – Solu tion still being worked, possible informal by the end of the year • ER 177139 Uplink Indicator - Solution will be demonstrated via an informal in October • 172788 & 178141 Data Block Attachment Points - Solution still being worked, possible informal by the end of the year • ER 172434 ACL Highlighting - Solution will be demonstrated via an informal in October PDRR/ABRR The task team briefe d on the status of the program. The current plan is to turn on conformant route processing for all sites at the end of Octobe r; identified sites will enable PD RR/ABRR processing soon after. TMU site support and testing were also discussed. STARS Enhancement 2 Overview The task team briefed on the new concepts proposed by the STARS Enhancement 2 program, they include Scratch Pa d to 4 th Line coordination, Automated Point Outs, Electronic Messagi ng and a Shared Airspace tool. The task team will create draft use cases for all desired functions and once completed will be discussed by the full team. Tech Refresh 2 Early - D and Early R The task team provided a briefing on the current status of the program; the briefing was provided to the team as a reference. Referred Message Guide and Controller Card The current versions of the Referred Message Guide and the Controller Card were re viewed. The new versions of both guides will be delivered to coincide with the EAE100 system release. ZMA Saturation Warnings A briefing was given on the issue recently seen at ZMA involving flight plan saturation warnings for MIA approach. SLE determin ed that the adapted values could be safely in creased which solved the issue. The briefing material was provided to the team as a reference. ER 180234 CFR Route Display

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