NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 21, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Upcoming Retirement Seminars NATCA EDGE Web - Based Retirement Seminars - Designed E xclusively For Members! SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY DataComm Enroute Automation Modernization (ERAM) NAS Voice Switch (NVS) Surveillance Bro adcast Services (SBS) Office Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) Wake Turbulence LABOR RELATIONS DEPARTMENT NATCA REACHES TENTATIVE AGREEMENT TOWARDS NEW COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH ROBINSON AV IATION (RVA), INC. The negotiation team is pleased to announce that on Sep t. 14, 2016, Arbitrator Gary L. Eder ruled in favor of NATCA regarding the negotiation for a new collective bargaining agreement ( CBA). Prior to the arbitration, NATCA and RVA had re ached agreement on all articles except Article 11, Dues Wi thholding. RVA proposed to charge a five (5) percent f ee for withholding union dues. The Arbitrator agreed with NATCA that RVA's proposal was unreasonable, and he ordered that Article 11 should be c arried over into the new CBA with no fee. As a result of Arbitrator Eder's decision, we now have a Tentative A greement (TA ) for a new CBA. The TA must be ratified by the memb ership prior to taking effect. Details of the ratification proce ss are still being worked out. However, each union member will receive a ballot and copy of the TA in the mail in early October. We will be scheduling telcons in October/November so that the negotiation team can brief NATCA members o n the TA and answer questions. Further in formation about the ratification process will be fo rthcoming in the coming weeks. The negotiation tea m is very pleased with the TA. Specifically, the TA provides for three (3) percent wage increases in each year of the CBA, and includes several improvement s such as an extra week of leave for employees with more than 20 years of service, and LWOP for FacReps to attend FCT representative training classes. POCs: Director of Labor Relations Ryan Smith, Senior Labor Relations Attorney Christopher Gant, and Labor Relations Attorney Damien Maree . NATCA REACHES TENTATIVE AGREEMENT TOWARDS NEW COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH MIDWEST AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE INC. NATCA has reached a tentative agreement on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for 2016 - 2 020 with Midwest Air Traffic Control Servic e Inc. The new CBA contains several improvements over the current agreement, including mandatory pay increases and greater leave provisions. The Union has begun the contract ratification process, and members at Mi dwest bargaining units will have until Oct . 14, 2016, to c ast their ratification ballot. POCs: Director of Labor Relations Ryan Smith, Senior Labor Relations Attorney Chris Gant, and Labor Relations Attorney Damien Maree. FAA BRIEFING ON AIT WORKFORCE DEV ELOPMENT LISTENING SESSIONS

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