NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 21, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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this legislation, which expands paid sick leave for veterans hired by the FAA. This legislation would correct a loophole in The Wounded Warr ior Act, a law that provides veterans who are newly hired into the civilian federal workforce, and who have a service - connected disability, with 104 hours of advanced "disabled veteran leave" for medical treatment ass ociated with their disability. The orig inal law does not apply to new FAA employees, so H.R. 5957 would correct the oversight to ensure that all disabled veterans newly hired at the FAA will have access to the same benefits as their counterparts within other agencies. H.R. 5957 is expected to b e considered by the House under suspension of the rules on Sept . 20. A companion bill, S. 2683, was introduced in the Senate on March 15, 2016 and is awaiting further consideration. GA staff will be closely monitoring these bills as the l egislative process continues. ATC INSTRUCTORS BILL PASSES COMMITTEE : On Sept . 15, the House Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) Committee approved H.R. 5785, legislation to provide for an annuity supplement for full - time air traffic control instructors under contract at the FAA. NATCA supports this bill, which will help address the hiring of former controllers to train new controllers. H.R. 5785 is expected to be considered by the House under suspension of the rules on September 20. A companion bill, S. 3217, was introduc ed in the Senate on July 14, 2016 and is awaiting f urther consideration. GA staff will be closely monitoring these bills as the legislative process continues. LAME DUCK CONGRESS : A "lame duck Congress" describes the period between the November elections a nd the beginning of the next Congressional session in January. We can expect Congress to be in a lame duck session for parts of November and December. It is important to remember that some lawmakers who return for this lame duck session will not be members of Congress when the 115th Congress is sworn - in in January. There are some issues that need to be taken care of between the elections and the end of the calendar year, including certain tax extenders and potentially another CR if only a short - te rm CR is e nacted in September. LOOKING AHEAD TO 115TH CONGRESS : While NATCA GA staff is focused on the CR and upcoming lame duck session that will follow, GA is already looking ahead to the new 115th Congress that will convene in January. There will be new members elected to the House and Senate following the November elections, so it will be important to introduce them to NATCA's issues as early as possible. GA will be preparing material for visits to new members' offices on the first day they are sworn in. While t he Congressional calendar is still being finalized for next year, we can expect members of Congress to start the new session in the beginning of January.

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