NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 21, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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installation of Standard Term inal Automation Replacement System (STARS) at the 11 busiest TRACONs in the National Airspace System (NAS). Each of the TRACONs were represented and received an award. To read our full coverage of the special event marking another successful example of co llaboration, please click here. WANTED: YOUR BEST FACILITY PHOTOS: We are working on the 2017 NATCA wall calendar and have a few spots open. Do you have a favorite photo of the outside of your facility? Please send as high a resolution version of the photo as you have to Laura Roose at . FULL COVERAGE OF N ATCA ' s 16TH BIENNIAL CONVENTION , SAN DIEGO : OPENING VIDEO NOW AVAILABLE: The opening video shown at the convention and then again at various points throughout the event is now uploaded to our convention video page. Please click here to view . CONVENTION VIDEO: Please click here . Coming before the end of the week of Sept. 19: Day 3 video. THE DELEGATE NEWSPAPER : Wednesday, Aug. 31 Issue – Please click here . Friday, Aug. 31 Issue – Please click here . PHOTO ALBUM : Four mem bers of the NATCA family worked as photographers during convention – Douglas Jones, Jay Tilles, Joh nny Temple, and Justina Hlavka – and provided incredible visual coverage of th is successful and unifying convention. We invite you to check out their work as part of our Flickr site . As more of their photos are processed, edited, and uploaded, we'll keep adding them to this album so please check back in the coming days and weeks. Please click here to see the album . THE 13 th ANNUAL ARCHIE LEAGUE MEDAL OF SAFETY AWARDS The Dec. 31, 2016, deadline for the 13th Annual Archie League Medal of Safety Aw ards is just four months away! Remember — any member can nominate another member. All events since Jan. 1, 2016, are eligible for nomination. All winners will be honored on Ma rch 22, 2017 during Communicating For Safe ty at Bally's in Las Vegas. Nomination Form – Please click here New Flyer to Share, or Pl ace In Your Facility on NATCA Board Archie League Awards Section on Website THE SECOND ANNUAL NATCA NATIONAL PROFESSIONALISM AWARDS : Do you know someone who i s a professional? Have you seen someone whose individual contribution and performance enhanced the standings of y our profession? Then help the NATCA Professional Standards Team recognize them by submitting them for the second annual NATCA National Professi onalism Awards, presented at the 2017 Communicating For Safety conference in Las Vegas ! Application (click here): NATCA Professionalism Award Application The deadline for submissions is Dec. 31, 2016. Each of the winners will be invited to attend CFS to be recognized for their achievement and to receive their award. They will be entitled to travel and expense re imbursement in accordance with the NATCA travel policy similar to that provided to the Archie League Medal of Safety Award winners. The goal of NATCA's Professional Standards program is to maintain and promote professionalism across all of NATCA's bargaini ng units. We achieve that through a commitment to safety and the public's trust. We work to inspire, motivate and

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