NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 21, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT CONGRESSIONAL SCHEDULE : Congress is in session for at least another week to continue working on a stopgap spending bill to fund the government past the end of fiscal year 2016 on Sept . 30. As a reminder, C ongress must pass legislation by that date in order to avoid a government shutdown. CR DEADLINE APPROACHING : As of Tuesday, Sept . 20, the budget deal continues to be delayed. The Senate was scheduled to move on a procedural vote to consider a Continuing Resolution (CR) spending deal needed to avoid any government shutdown before the Sept . 30th deadline, which marks the end of the fiscal year. However, the vote was postponed as negotiations continue. As you know, new legislation must be enacted to provide funding for the federal government beyond that date. As we have mentioned, we do not believe a shutdown is likely to occur, but we can never rule out the possibility and as the deadline nears it could become more likely. What's Next : While the details are continuing to be worked out, CR proposal being drafted would likely provide funding until Dec . 9, at which point Congress will need to consider another funding bill. While a CR is better than a shutdown (see below for more information on how this unstable funding impacts NATCA), NATCA would prefer to see funding numbers included in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bills, which was approved by the House Appropriations Committee and the full Senate, respectively. Each o f those bills would provide adequate funding levels that NATCA advocated for throughout the appropriations process, as opposed to simply continuing current funding levels. Because of that, GA staff is raising the volume on the THUD funding levels in the ev ent that the House and Senate need to negotiate new spending in December. NATCA Impact : As you know, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has faced an unstable, unpredictable funding stream over the years that have negatively affected all aspects of the FAA. Short - term funding measures have become the norm. Unfortunately, years of relying on CRs makes it difficult for the FAA to fulfill its obligations. Further, a government shutdown would worsen the situation, by shuttering the FAA and causing irrepa rable damage. A government shutdown would slow the training process for new air traffic controllers, halt important maintenance of the air traffic control system, hurt employee morale, and further delay the FAA's implementation of new technology and proced ures. While NATCA supports funding to avoid a government shutdown, we've continuously reminded members of Congress about the negative impact of stop - and - go funding. GA staff will meet extensively with lawmakers and their staff during the month of September to continue these conversations. RINALDI SPEAKS AT A4A PANEL ON ATC REFORM : On Sept . 13, NATCA President Paul Rinaldi participated in a panel at the Airlines for America (A4A) Commercial Aviation Industry Summit. Rinaldi reiterated that the status quo is unacceptable, as would any for - profit model for reform. Any proposals in between those two extremes that would provide a stable, predictable funding stream for operating and modernizing air traffic control would be acceptable to NATCA. As a reminder, NATC A supports Chairman Shuster's proposal to reform air traffic control (H.R. 4441, which was approved by the House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee, but has not been brought to the House floor for a vote. FAA VETERANS BILL PASSES COMMITTEE : On Sept . 14, the House T&I Committee approved H.R. 5957, the FAA Veteran Transition Improvement Act. NATCA supports

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