NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 21, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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CARTS and STARS by the simple press of a bu tton. CIS was kept in place until the site was confident they no longer needed the old system as a fall back. I want to thank everyone involved in this effo rt including the PMO, facility Air Traffic and Technical Operations personnel, NATCA, PASS , and our vendor Raytheon. All partners worked together to develop user requirements and the implementation schedule, and conduct system te sting and controller traini ng. I want to thank our Operational Support Facilities personnel who conducted all of the site adaptation for each facility. The team utilized a " Pay it Forward " method, where they continually applied the lessons learned from each successful deployment to the next facility. This process shortened the time it took for subsequent deployments. TAMR was successful beca use of a complete team effort. This team ' s dedication, collaboration , and commitment to safety h ave made us all successful. We look forward to co mpleting the entire TAMR program, and then continuing our plans for NextGen and other modernization efforts. Thanks everyone, Teri Teri L. Bristol ATO Chief Operating Officer

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