NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 21, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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from the FAA Technical Center, Data Com m team members, and NATCA National r epresentatives were in attendance. So me highlights: GIMS Michelle Simmons and Christ Medina briefed on the status of GIMS. They discussed the existing issues with the system and the c urrent and proposed deployment. A task team is in place to provide support for this capability. Sector Enhance ments Three sector enhancement topics were briefed: Path Stretch, 3 - Mile Conflict Probe , and AIMMs S3 SAA Capability. Task teams were formed for each capability and that team will meet to review the material and c reate use cases as appropriate. Inconsisten t Aircraft Types CAR A briefing was given for the Co rrective Action Response (CAR). The issue is a discrepancy ERAM and STARS reference aircraft types. Certain STARS tools will only recognize ICAO aircraft types while ERAM will accept non - ICAO formats. If a non - ICAO type is encountered , STARS may not process the right weight class for separation on final. A task team was formed to review the data and provide a response. TMU briefing The team was briefed on the current TMU tools and processes used to ma nage traffic flows. As more TMU - based tools such as GIMS and ABRR are integrated into the system , it is important that the team develop s a more in - depth knowledge of TMU operations. ABRR The task team briefed on the ABRR deployment plan, procedures, training , a nd proposed waterfall. Also dis cussed were the individual site use of PDRR and the implica tions of auto insertion of FRC. Updated information will be provided to the team on regular intervals through deployment. ER 72542 AID Starts with a Number The team ' s work on the problem statement is complete. The procedures office is evaluating simplified guidance and will also facilitate a work group meeting t o discuss a long - term solution. Updates will be provided, as the procedural solutions are determined. ER 8950 2 SIG 1742 Overdue Aircraft A solution for this SIG was engineered , however the SLOC was too high for it to be packaged. The desired behavior is to prevent flights that are coded for deletion from being removed by the system without controller input. An al ternate solution was discussed that will greatly reduce the cost and still prov ide the basic desired behavior. This new solution will be further engineered and brought back to the team when it is complete. Data Com m Briefings The Data Com m team provided br iefings on the following full service capabilities: full altitudes, full routes, holding, advisory messages , and the proposed waterfall for CPDLC deployment. Also discussed were three ERs : 165266 Uplink Message, 162586 Emergency PID SIG 1737 , and 161507 TO C Setting, SIG 1730. The team was in agreement with the solution for all three ERs. ER 76279 ADSB Broadcast Call Sign The team discussed the ER, which address es the issues caused by broadcast call signs not matching the aircraft call - sign/flight ID and the lack of validation for the call signs. A task team was formed to investigate the issue and determine if there is a viable solution other than what is currently available – not displaying the broadcasted call sign. 8 - 1 - 1 Guide and Controller Card

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