NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: September 21, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Las Ve gas (L30, LAS) OSD completed in new facility Sept 16 NATCA SBS continues to work with the Agency toward a more proactive approach to ADS - B avionics issues. Although these issues are rare, the Agency's approach to date has been hampered by a lack of resourc es devoted to investigating flagged issues wit hin the SBS Compliance Monitor. These issues occur when standards for installation or configuration within aircraft or ground systems are not met. ADS - B is a cooperative surveillance source relying on the posit ion information d etermined onboard the aircraft. In order to reduce or prevent the number of safety compromising events in the NAS we need a proactive, timely response. Advanced IM/FIM - S Kicked off the Ad vanced IM ConOps Working Group. Completion date July 2017. Meeting scheduled with the Agency and ALPA on Sept . 20th to discuss growing concern of separation responsibility involved with some future IM applications. ASDE - X Tech Refresh: The first of several training meeting have taken place to wrap up the ne xt big rollout of system enhancements. This program continues to run smoothly with minimal issues ASSC : ASSC is currently running in the old tower and new tower at SFO as we continue field familiarization. Controller reports are minimal and any issues tha t come up have been addressed promptly . The team plans to IOC by the end of this month so SFO's new tower can commission with ASSC on October 15th. As SFO nears completion, efforts at CLE, (site #2 on waterfall) are increasing. The team will be meeting in CLE to finalize the schedule. Training should begin in CLE around the end of the year. FMA in Fusion: The safety analysis work is the remaini ng major step in this process. Operational evaluation and SRMP have concluded, but the safety analysis documentatio n needs to be incorporated before the SRMD c an be circulated for approval. Timelines continue to project an operational start by mid - 2017. GIM - S: ZSE resumed GIM - S operations albeit on a limited basis. MITRE hosted the ZKC Adaptation Demo the week of S ept 12th with limited success. Continued problems with the lab persisted throughout the week. Recommending all future adaptation activities be performed at WJHTC rather than MITRE. ZDV now fully operational on two arrival streams utiliz ing GIM - S. Next action w ill be to meter SLC arrivals to ZLC boundary. ZFW GIM - S k ickoff now scheduled for Sept 27th with the caveat that it may be postponed due to TBFM Ops t eam availability. MEARTS Fusion: Coordination continues with Honolulu (HCF) to ex ecute a transition to Fus ion. The SRMD is progressing well and all documentation necessary to move forward is expected to be completed by October 2016. The transition to Fusion in MEARTS is complicated by the fact that Fusion is an "all or nothing" displa y mode. Unlike STARS, sect ors cannot chang e easily between display modes. Instead, the entire facility and all facilities that receive a feed from the host facility go to Fusion at once. This means all on - site Fusion evaluations and training for all sites needs to be accomplished w ithin 45 days per the SBS MOU. It's a complex and resource - intensive effort.

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