NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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Airport. o After the outreach, the Team spent most of the month completing des ign work on the SIDs and STARs. The team met with Bill Payne and a group of General Aviation pilots to discuss wo rk on our satellite procedures. § The team also met with representatives from the Denver Airport Authority's Noise Office to discuss issues with the West Side SIDs. They were able to work with them to address any potential problems surrounding the noise sensors the ai rport ha s west of the airfield. The team believes by correcting these issues now will drastically reduce our impact to the surrounding communities and should allow a smother transition for our environmental process. o Mark Phipps (FAA Co - Lead) and Mr. Thomas met w ith a group from Denver ARTCC (ZDV) TMU, as well as, the ZDV POCs and members of the Metroplex MIST Team to discuss potential problems with meter ing for the new 8 STAR designs. § A lot of great information was presented and a commitment from Mr. Phipps and Mr. Thomas to work through their issues was made. They believe that through our TBFM HITLs with MITRE scheduled in a few months we can better identify any problem areas and a ddress them through simulation. § They will continue to monitor this situation an d Mr. Thomas update if any additional problems arise. o Mr. Phipps and Mr. Thomas spent the last week of the month in San Diego attending the Metroplex Leads Meeting while our design team worked in Denver naming fixes and going through design packages. o T his update represents the work and status of the Denver Metroplex D&I for the month of January 2016. o Submitted by Chris Thomas Article 48 Co - Lead Denver D&I · Charlotte Metroplex o The Charlotte Metroplex Project continues to work post - implementation iss ues and prepare for the 2016 implementations. The team worked at Atlanta Center, Eastern Service Center (ESC), home facilities and via Go - To Meeting. The Leads attended a national Metroplex meeting the last week of January. o The leads worked with all faci lities on post implementation issues. § A TELCON was held with CLT to discuss the northwest corner and the issue of traffic being high on a south operation. § ZTL is working to educate the workforce on the importance of being on profile for the operation a t CLT. They have started briefing this during team training. As a fallback position the Metroplex team will develop a procedure for the south operation that ensures aircraft are at a manageable altitude for the TRACON. § JQF tower advised the team that the SID wording was confusing pilots. The team worked with JQF and OKC to find wording that would solve the issue.

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