NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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and .41 PBN projects. NATCA has made many suggestions during the various related meetings and are still waiting to have meaningf ul discussions with management. It appears the team is a long way from a defined process being established, the FAA has asked RTCA to answer related questions and an answer is not expected back from them until June. o The dispute resolution process is being used for a .41 project in Asp en, it appears the kick - off meeting w as un - collaboratively canceled. Mr. Davis' counterpart, Jodi McCarthy (Director of Airspace Services), and Mr. Davis have held som e initial conversations so far. They will work our way through the associated emails and ask those involved questions so alt the facts can b e gathered and make a decision. This is the first time a dispute has made it to this level; the goal is to ensure the NAS gets what is needed in the Aspen area. o Submitted by Jim Davis (PCT) NATCA Nationa l Airspace Rep AJV - 7 (AT Requirements): James Keith (D10) serves the membership as the DC Based Article 48 Representative to AJV - 7. This office is in char ge of Air Traffic Requirements. Mr. Keith's summary for this week is below. · AJV - 7 scheduled 5 centers and 3 TRACONS to visi t the Traffic Management Units. o The purpose of these visits is to gain information from the Bargaining Unit to assist in building a shortfall analysis and a concept of o perations for Advanced Methods. o Advanced Methods is a concept that is trying to allow for more strate gic decision making in the TMU. o Also it is looking to see what kind of data the TMU needs and ca n that data be easier obtained. The best way to do t his is talk to the controllers. o The team has visited Wash ington Center, Atl anta Center and Atlanta TRACON. o Next on the travel schedule are Los Angeles Center, New York Center, New York TRACON, Fort - Worth Center, and D10 TRACON in the next 6 weeks. · Terminal Work Package one has completed the data collection p rocess and will start the pr ocess of prioritizing the data. There is a stakeholders meeting at MITRE February 2 at 9. · Jeff Woods (PMO Rep) and Mr. Keith met with AJV - 7, PMO, and NextGen to discuss path stretch time lines. o They also discussed conflict p robe not being necessary on the glass in order to continue with path stretch. o An agreement was reached that future path stretch HITLs will not inclu de conflict probe on the glass. The current time line for path stretch is assoc iated with TBFM work package 4. However, we are working to find a quicker path. · Mr. Woods and Mr. Keith, on the advice of the TBFM workgroup asked AJV - 7 to readdress the key site locations for Te rminal spacing and sequencing. The letter was written giving the PMO a list of possible replacements. · Interval Management ( advanced) has been assigned to A JV - 7 to construct the ConOps. o Mr. Keith has attended the initial meetings and will engage our article

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