NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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§ Overflights at CLT have become a challenge with the introduction of OPDs and the team is working with CLT and the surrounding Centers to identify routes to mitigate the issue. o The Team has started by - weekly TELCONs for the March and May implementations. They are as sisting the facilities with LOA negotiations and have advised the ZTL and ZDC teams that we are prepared to use the Metroplex MOU to get an LOA complete. Facility POCs have briefed their teams. A TELCON is scheduled for next week and will bring the parties together for a face - to - face meeting prior to using the MOU. o The Leads briefed the Director of Air Traffic Operations and the Southern Regional Administrator on the project. They work closely with the all POCs as needed and maintain contact with facility F acRep s and Managers as we work the project. o Submitted by B ob Szymkiewicz CLT Metroplex Article 48 lead · Florida Metroplex o The central portion of Florida Metroplex team was reconvened after being sent home in December because of the Continuing Resolution (CR). The team reviewed the results from the December 201 5 HITL simulation. § During the review it was recommended that a SID and a STAR into and out of FMY be swapped. The team met and worked the recommendation. o The team has completed some ISIM scenarios and continues to work on the others. ISIM scenarios are scheduled to be run or displayed in February in the following facilities: DAB, FMY and ZSU. o Mr. Harris attended a Nat ional Metroplex leads meeting. He , along with SME s and POC s from ZJX , attended an ACRP meeting at MITRE to discuss Q - routes and how to w ork the two projects together and accomplish both of their goals. o Submitted by Greg Harris, Florida Metroplex NATCA Art 48 rep · Southern California Metroplex o The SoCal Metroplex Core Team continues to respond to Air Traffic related public comments to the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA). The Draft EA received about 4,000 comments. The EA Team identified additional ATC comments that require unique responses from the Core Team. § A topical response has been completed for the interaction between the LA DYJ SID and the STARS and approach transitions on the North downwind to LAX. o Review of environmental responses is scheduled for review by the Core Team and the EA Team for the weeks of Feb 8 th and 15 th at the Regional Office. o Glen Martin, AWP Regional Administrator, and the core team briefed staff for Congressman Lieu, Senator Boxer, and Councilman Bonin offices about current and proposed SoCal procedures and current traffic analysis to address complaints by their respective c onstituents about legacy noise and traffic patterns. § Councilman Bonin believes there have been changes and believes the FAA is not being fully transparent, as noted in

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