NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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The workload that the VOR MON is putting on the entire publication process is in direct conflict with the d esires of AIS to slow work down so they can determine bandwidth. Something wil l have to give relatively soon. § Another area of concern is the role our Environmental Specialists play in all aspects of our designs. § The team is forcing the conversation to occur between AJV - 14 and the Environmental office at HQ. The Environmental specialists were invited to all applicable meetings, but they don't get important feedback until designs have been finalized. This has to stop. § Environmental needs to make us aware of all important areas and issues during design so the team is able to adjust and not create conflict. The Agency has quite a bit of work to do here and that's before we bring the community invo lvement piece into the process. § Finally, this last week all three sets of c o - l eads, the three respective AJV - 14 liaisons, and NISC contractors met in D . C . for the first of what will become quarterly meetings to ensure everything in the .41 is being handled in a similar fashion . o Submitted by CSA PBN NATCA Art. 48, Brent Luna · Western PBN and EoR o "NorCal" Initiative – In Response to Congressional inquiries, the Western OSG has developed a document detailing possible means to address community issues as a result of the implem entation of Metroplex. This work was accomplished without the participation of NATCA representatives. o The week of 12/15, NATCA National Reps attended meetings in Seattle to receiving a briefing from the OSG on planned steps forward. § In collaboration wi th AJV - 14, a work group has been formed with a NATCA coordinator (Phil Hargarten) and an FAA coordinator to begin planning meetings with facilities in NORCAL (NCT, ZOA, SFO, OAK, SJ C) to get SME s in the room to determine if the recommendations in the NorCa l document are feasible. § On January 7, meetings were held in OAK with managers and NATCA Reps to brief them on the OSG document. They also requested their assistance in setting dates to meet with SMEs. The meeting with SMEs will take place the week of 2/ 22. o 1/19 - 21 – Participated in a Denver EoR Wide ly Spaced "Post Ops Discussion." A review of the current state of EoR at Denver and future desires from the facility were discussed including EoR with Duals and Trips and RNAV Visuals. Additionally, Denver T RACON and Tower are planning to move towards all weather EoR (currently VMC required). o Seattle EoR – Seattle began officially conducting EoR o perations on 4/7/15. About a month later, the Center runway was closed for resurfacing and EoR operations were d iscontinued. The Center Runway reopened on 12/16 and S46 was able to restart EoR

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