NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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o Mr. Luna is going to mention a f ew important items from the last reporting period. He had b ack s urgery but is recovering well and will make the trip next week to D . C . to work with the VOR MON group and hear their n eeds and plans to move forward. § In December, there was a bit of turnover within the TetraTech specia lists and they have a new lead. § The team was also visited by Dave Cook, the Eastern Service Center TetraTech lead . He spent most of his time with the specialists but the team was also able to have a few Q&A sessions with him t hat were very helpful and the team plans to take some of his suggesti ons and put them into practice. § In just a short time, the working relationship with our TetraTech sp ecialists has greatly improved. The team still has a few challenges, but is much better equipped to handle them. § The .43 Rewrite Team came to Fort Worth in December and Ed Hulsey (Metroplex Study Team Lead) and Mr. Luna made several changes to the document. However, since then, HQ has halted collaborative work on this document. Mr. H ulsey and Mr. Luna anticipate being back at the table in 6 weeks or so. § There has been quite a bit of work on this at Mark McKelligan's (Metroplex D&I Lead) le vel and it is much appreciated. § The team also had discussions with ZFW, D10, KDFW, and KDAL a bout their future needs and areas they would be interested in w orking through the .41 process. § A meeting with Industry to follow up with the team's findings and brainstorm potential solutions is scheduled for Feb 16 th . § They also spent time on Final Environmental Review work for the Minneapolis project as well as provided End of Day Reports for the 12/10 Publication Cycle. o January brought a t elcon with KSAT to determine their desires and discuss timelines to move their project quickly to meet a MagVar adjustment so the team could publish everything at one time. § A second t elcon with KCMH was held to determine the scope of their project and develop the Baseline Analysis R eport for submission to AJV - 14. KCMH is still a b it unsure about how much they want to change but the team continues to provide support and guidance so things that are working aren' t broken just because it's new. § The NATCA team continues to have weekly Team Meetings with their TetraTech specialists and our reporting products, tracking products, and agendas are reducing the length of these meetings and are able to delegate more and more to our support teams. They discuss important items with the new TetraTech Lead several times a week and this is keeping c ommunications clear and simple. § The team participated in a VOR MON round table but expect to get more informatio n next week while we are in D.C.

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