NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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clearance once aircraft check in with them but this is unacceptable to industry as the aircraft has already started down at that point. § A t elcon with all stakeholders was held on 1/21 and an amendment is in the wo rks to amend the DYAMD to 8000 however an impasse was reached with all the stakeholders on the NOTAM, amended clearance discussion and industry is threatening to file and only fly the conventional procedure. § Currently awaiting ZOA determination on whethe r or not they will issue DV except maintain 8000 but the amended procedures are scheduled to be published on 7/21. o Projects worked during this period: Seattle EoR/Greener Skies, Denver EoR, NORCAL "Initiative," ASE RNAV SID, Seattle RNAV SID, GPI SID, NC T T - Routes, SJC STARs (2), SJC RNAV SID, SFO STAR (DYAMD), ZLC T - Routes, TUS SIDS, STARS, RNPs, GJT RNP and STARs, LAX RNAV SID, PAIE STARs, BLI RNAV STAR, EAT RNP, SUU STAR, BOI STAR, DEN SID, MFR SID, SAN SID . o Submitted by Phil Hargarten Western Co - Lea d · Metroplex Study Team o The Las Vegas Metroplex Study Team completed all of its conceptual design work by November 6 and then began work on the Study Team Final Report. § The Study Team Final Report has now been edited by the team and the Metroplex Program Office Leads and has also finished going through the tech writing process. Also, for the first time in the Metroplex study team process, we established direct communicat ion with the local airport authority and the Airport District Office to discuss potential noise sensitive areas and environmental hot spots. § The final report has been received by the Metroplex Program Manager and delivered to the Director of Airspace Ser vices. It is my understanding the LVST Report has been signed by the Director of Airspace Services and is waiting for signature from the Western Service Area Director of Operations. § The team is still currently waiting for a decision on whether to move fo rward with the D&I phase of the project. The study team analysis of the conceptual designs has determined roughly $7.5M in potential benefits to the Las Vegas Valley at a cost of approximately $11M to the agency. o There continues to be a lot of energy aro und the issue of community noise. The team is currently involved with efforts to address noise concerns at several locations where PBN procedures have been implemented and to look into ways we can enhance our processes to improve the outreach to the local communities and increase awareness of PBN projects throughout the NAS. They are also in the process of defining the way forward for projects that are currently underway. o The team is also in the process of refining our agenda and determining if there is s till a need for the Metroplex Summit Meeting that is

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