NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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currently scheduled to take place on March 1 - 3, 2016. In addition, PBN is also looking at ways to coordinate with the VOR MON program with upcoming meetings scheduled for February 2 - 3, 2016. They have al so engaged the ERAW group to begin coordinating ways to identify potential automation issues pertaining to PBN procedure implementations on the front end. The team also continues to engage AJV - 14 and MITRE to help improve the PBN Dashboard. o Submitted by Metroplex Study Team Lead Art. 48 Ed Hulsey · National Design and Implementation Rep o The agency is still consumed and being consumed by community outreach issues. There have been numerous meetings with multiple organizations and yet there is still not a defined process for Metroplex or .41 projects. The agency has gone to RTCA to ask for recommendations on community outreach; we do not expect a report until June. The FAA also is putting t ogether a "Noise Team" with POC s from allot of organizations, first meeting is mid February. o The Agency is pushing to have a Metroplex summit 3/1 - 3/3 at MITRE, even though there are no answers to current Metroplex status, future Metroplex and community outreach. The team recommended they change the meeting to an Industry day, but the FAA is determined to look as ridiculous as they can. o The VOR MON program has a meeting scheduled 2/2 - 2/4 with AJV - 14 to help determine w hat VOR s will be discontinued/decommissioned and the process for replacing procedures. The issues that w ill be addressed are: § SRM Panels are supposed to be completed for each VOR that is being decommissioned and as far as we know , this has not been done. § The agency has stated that between 5 - 9 VOR s will be discontinued/decommissioned in FY 16, however it takes 2 years to develop and implement procedures to replace those being removed and no work has been done yet. § There are 307 VOR s scheduled to be removed from the NAS during the next 10 years and there will need to be additional resources brought in accomplish this task. § There are only so many production slots and there needs to be a priority system developed to determine what project (Metroplex, . 41,maintenance,VORMON, conventional etc,) will take precedent for the limited slots. o Submitted by Mar k McKelligan (ZBW) National D&I Rep · NATCA National Airspace Rep o The initial draft for the NAS NAV Strategy is complete and ready to be discussed at the nex t RTCA NAC meeting in February. NATCA has stressed the importance of properly working decision su pport tools and how they relate to the s uccess of the NAS NAV Strategy. There are pockets of strong support from industry as they realize the necessity of decision support tools moving forward. The Airspace Team will be briefing NATCA leadership prior to t he February RTCA NAC meeting. o Community Outreach is still a major roadblock for both Metroplex

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