NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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operations. Almost immediately, an issue surfaced with connectivity from the STARs to the RNPs and aircraft were departing the RF track. § No losses of separation noted. A mee ting was quickly put together with S46/ZSE and Alaska Airlines to discuss and fix the issue. This connectivity risk is a known problem and the workgroup did a redesign that day to fix this. At this point, controller confidence has eroded and very few are w illing to conduct EoR operations until the fix is in place. § A meeting is being held at HQ on Monday, 2/1 to establish the absolute quickest possible publication date of the needed amendments. A white paper will be provided by COB Monday to NATCA detailing the issue and work being done to fix it. o Participated in th e PBN Co - lead meeting in D . C . the week of 1/25. All PBN co - leads plus contract support were present in these meetings. Topics discussed included, MITRE Dashboard, weekly AJV - 14 reporting, VOR MON, T - Route Development, Contract Support, etc. The Co - leads de termined a quarterly meeting is needed to level - set .41 projects and needs. o KASE SID: The Western c o - leads made arrangements and coordination for a Kick - off meeting at Denver TRACON for a new RNAV SID at ASE. Coordination was affected with the FacRep, AT M, industry and Denver TRACON over several months. Upon finding out about this kick - off , the Rocky Mountain District Manager injected himself into the process and after much discussion among his managers, cancelled the meetings. This issue has been elevate d to the NATCA Airspace Rep and AJV - 1 for dispute resolution. o Participated in a t elcon with the NextGen office about future funding requirements once EoR is rolled out nationwide and what training requirements may look like. Mr. Hargarten coordinated wit h the NATCA National Training Art48 to participate. § Mr. Hargarten and Tom Adcock (NATCA Training Lead) both concur that this program will need to be monitored closely to ensure such a large undertaking is well funded and that shortcuts aren't taken. o DYAMD STAR (SFO) – Soon after implementation of Metroplex, an issue with the DYAMD STAR was identified as the STAR drops aircraft out of Class B upon leaving 8000 for 7000 (the final altitude on the STAR). Operators were reducing speed to 210K as required below Class B although there is a speed at the last fix of the STAR of 230K. § A NOTAM has been issued to stop arrivals at 8000 however this is very problematic for industry and objections have been lobbied by SWA, ASA, UAL and NBAA as they claim pilots ma y miss the NOTAM. § A test was conducted with ZOA issuing DV except maintain 8000 but this is a very busy arrival sector and once the test concluded, ZOA is no longer willing to issue the amended clearance unless a fix is available by the July 21 publicati on date. NCT has offered to amend the DV

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