NATCA Bookshelf

National Office Week in Review: Feb.10, 2016

A publication of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association

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his letter to the FAA. o The team, at the request of Congresswoman Bass, District 37, and Congresswoman Napolitano, District 32, is developing analysis and presentations to address their concerns over the perceived changes in flight patterns over their districts. o Team conducted a telecom to begin initial discussions with SENEAM (Mexico), to discus impacts of proposed SoCal procedures. o The termination of the MOU for GSGT Developers and Training Reps at ZLA has required the POCs to reevaluate the schedule for TTL development and the training plan development. There is a concern that the pr oposed November publication date may not be feasible. o A HQ Tiger Team has validated the safety concerns associated with the STARS platform at SCT. § The decision to fallback to Common ARTS or not will be made in February. If the decision is made to fallb ack to ARTS, and if all of the issues are resolved, the earliest SCT will be able to return to STARS is August. This timeline will probably have an effect on training for SoCal procedures for the proposed November implementation date. o The team finalized preparations for the meeting with our Industry partners scheduled for the week of February 1. § The meeting will address proposed changes to procedures to address community concerns and changes due to criteria. o Submitted by Jose Gonzalez Article 48 Rep, SoCal Metroplex · Cleveland/Detroit Metroplex Design & Implementation o The project timelines have been delayed as continue to work on an outreach plan to inform members of the aviation and legislative community on the proposed design alternatives. § Since they are one of the two projects to start this the road ahead is not clear as many FAA leaders try to merge their thoughts to one plan and in a way that it doesn't interfere with the NEPA law and defined processes. § The team is looking to late 2017 for full implementation with a successful environmental decision. o The teams have been working with the Service area on Raising the approach control altitudes at both CLE and D21, Control room re - configuration at D21, Lessons learned from Denver on RNP f or it effect at DTW, Single site feeds for ZOB to utilize 3 - mile separation, Re - allotment of airspace between ZOB, D21 and MTC (DoD Facility), TBFM implementation in late 2016 at ZOB, and review of the Delta simulator results reference to flyability questi ons. o Report submitted by Don Ossinger Article 48 D & I Representative. · Florida Metroplex Outreach o The scope and process of the outreach for the Florida Metroplex project is still being discussed at headquarters level. § Meetings will take place the m onth of February to hopefully clarify this effort and allow this effort to begin. § The local Outreach Team is continuing to familiarize themselves with the proposed changes. o Mark Ostronic NATCA Metroplex Team · CSA PBN

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